On the January 24th Kristelle celebrated Russian students and women with the name Tatiana with the famous holiday ‘Tatiana Day’. Kristelle sang her berst songs at the concert and played sax in the orchestra in the honour of this festival.
‘Tatiana Day’ is a Russian religious holiday well known as the Russian student`s day, because this date is also marked as the end of the first term of traditional academic year for Russian students — the end of winter exams session, followed by a two-week winter holiday.
Big concert was held in the honour of this day. It was shown on the federal TV channel in news program. There is information about it on other TV programmes, too. Kristelle sang different well-known songs there as one of the most sagnificant participants of that program. The ‘live’ orchestra and her teacher Andrew Pronin helped Kristelle playing ‘live’ back music, and Kristelle sang ‘live’, too. There was only ‘live’ vocal at the concert! Besides, all Kristelle`s concerts are ‘live’ shows!
All in all, that was the two-hour program, designed for a different audience: lovers of classic music as well as jazz and even folk music. There were a lot of vocal pieces and instrumental works. Kristelle took part in this program, too. She played sax in the orchestra. By the way, musical direction with jazz orchestra  in this University exists over 20 years and it is very popular nowdays.
You can also see photoes of this concert on Photo pages of Kristelle` website.