Kristelle exclusive interview
Journalist: Welcome to STS-channel. This is the program ‘Nothing personal’, and we are Tanya and Kate. As usual, today we have a lot of issues of top priority for discussion, as well as interesting and talented people as guests. We are very glad to present you Violetta Nikolashkina, the consultant of the Committee for Matters concerning Young Persons of Tambov town administration, the main coordinator of the ‘Student Spring-2013’ city project, and Kristelle, the student of Tambov State University, named after Derzhavin, and the winner of the Grand Prix of the student festival. Good day, ladies!
Kristelle, Violetta: Good day!
Journalist: First of all, our congratulations to Kristelle on this winning! And on the fact, that the festival has taken place. And on Kristelle’s taking the Grand Prix of the contest! Violetta, what made you worried mostly while holding the festival?
Violetta: Our worries will never end. This is the 17th time, the ‘Student Spring’ project is being hold on. And it becomes more and more popular among young people, students. The number of participants grows from year to year, and it made 12 000 this year. The project resulted in 2 months of castings and 33 concerts on 10 stages of the town. In its turn, our Committee for Matters concerning Young Persons becomes more and more advanced. The city administration supervises the project and puts hopes on it. And we are very glad that the project is equal to our expectations. The essential and very important direction is music. Just beside me there is sitting Kristelle, the holder of the Gran Prix of the ‘Student Spring-2013’ city competition and the bright representative of this direction.
Journalist: Kristelle, what are your impressions about the festival? Tell us about your feelings during the performance.
Kristelle: That was rather emotional and exciting. Frankly speaking, I’m anxious before every single concert. My opinion is that: if you are not excited, don’t bother doing what you do. I was making my mood for the performance, generating positive emotions, thinking of how to organize the act. That was the first time I was performing at this stage, and of course, everything was unusual and a bit emotional. I became really shocked when I was awarded the prize. Actually, I didn’t think that it would be given to me, and even burst into tears.
Journalist: Kristelle, and how was the act being prepared? How did you manage to conquer the jury?
Kristelle: I was performing with ‘Ain`t no other man’ (Christina Aguilera’s cover). This is the style I feel myself easily and relaxedly in. That’s why I managed to express myself and all my emotions best of all.