Andrew Pronin
Composer and sound-producer of “Master Entertainment”, a theatrical company, that specializes on production of musicals.
Andrew Pronin is the author of “The Master’s Manuscript”, “I will always be with you…“, “The Flying Dutchman” musicals and “The Montekkis and the Kapulettis” rock-drama. He is the author of plenty of modern music projects and the prize-winner of international songwriting competitions.
Professor of vocal disciplines at the faculties of “Pop-jazz art” and “The art of acting” of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Andrew is the author of intensive training technique and pop vocals teaching methods, approved by the leading Russian experts.
Composer, soloist and the key-board of «King Edward» band.

Professional music activity as a guitarist. Author of guitar parts in the «City», «New Century», «Good night», «Black Obelisk», «Never Trust the Hippies» bands and Garik Sukachyov & «The Untouchables». One of the most called-for Russian sessional musicians.
Gennady Pronin (bass-guitar)
Professional music activity as a bass-guitarist. Author of bass parts in the following bands: “Floud” (rock-n-roll), “Ker Paravell” (pop), “Relaxive” (punk-rock), “Taro” (alternative, hard-core), “Arkhaim” (heavy metal), “Snow Queen” (sympho-rock), “Diva” (pop). Performer of the bass-guitar parts in the staging of “Jesus Christ Superstar” rock-opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and of “The Master’s Manuscript” musical-miracle play by Andrew Pronin.
Eugene Salomakhin (Narulayev) (Percussion)
Professional music activity in bands: “X-band” (punk-rock, alternative), “Voda” (pop-rock), “Ivan Kazan Bakh” (funk, indie). Author of all drum parts. Favourite drums are “DW”, cymbals – “Zildjian”, beaters – “Promark”.