Kristelle childhood
Kristelle was born on the 17th of June 1994 in Moscow. She started to show aspiration to singing from her early childhood. In addition to singing, Kristelle went in for swimming, lawn-tennis, ballroom and variety dances, where she achieved good results and in rather a short time. However, her mind and soul were mostly absorbed by singing, which finally dominated over the rest hobbies and transformed into her biggest desire to become a professional singer.
Her first performance took place, when Kristelle was 8 years old. It happened at a leaving party in Tambov Art Center. This date can be called the starting point for Kristelles creative activities. The young girl was caught a sight of famous composers, who wrote a lot of songs for her, and which she later presented willingly and successfully on the biggest entertainment venues of Moscow and Sochi.
At the age of 9 as a pilot scheme, Kristelle performed together with well-known Russian rock-bands – Arda and Arktida – with a number of quick-moving songs in English. In spite of the specific audience, Kristelles performance was very successful.
Being a 10-year-old child, Kristelle came to the Pop and Jazz School, named after the Gnesins, for a voice trial. Her performance ended in the applause of the selection committee, and she was immediately taken in to the third form. After the fourth form, Kristelle was moved up into the sixth form. This period brought Kristelle a lot of performances.
From 11 years old, being a soloist of  Tambov Children Philarmonia, Kristelle has started to feature Gerda and Yablonya (apple-tree) in the Computer genius musical.
Kristelle achievements
Kristelle is the winner of State and International competitions in Moscow and Austria. She was invited as a singer to The Kremlin New Year Tree performance in Red Square, where she performed the New Year songs. Later, Kristelle took part in the International Festival Competition of Children and Youth (‘Brotherhood’) in Sochi, where she won a silver medal for her city. Kristelle is a favorite singer of Tambov city administration. She is very often invited by it on various performances and city concerts. Her performing in regional contests of English song always brought her the first places.